Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Traveling With Ja’, LLC
Customized Group Tour Terms & Conditions
I have read, understand, agree, and voluntarily sign that I acknowledge all of the requirements listed above upon submitting my deposit and required documents. On my own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements or inducements, apart from the foregoing written agreements have been made; and I acknowledge and represent that I HAVE READ THE FORGOING Participation Requirements stated by Traveling With Ja’, LLC.
Due to contractual agreements with vendors/suppliers all payments received for TWJA Customized Group Tours are non refundable and non transferable. This allows us the ability to offer payment plans and exclusive customized itineraries/tours.
All passengers are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to take out adequate insurance coverage to protect themselves against cancellation due to illness or unforeseen events prior to or during travel. In the event of a traveler becoming ill during a tour, trip, and or event, all hospital and medical expenses are the traveler’s responsibility and they shall not be entitled to any refund, either total or partial, of passage money paid. Travel Insurance is solely the responsibility of the traveler.
Before we make arrangements for your flight, hotel, car rental, tour, cruise, or other trip accommodation, we require that you initial and sign; your signature will signify your agreement with the following terms and conditions:
TRAVELING WITH JA’, LLC. (“TWJA,LLC”) acts as a sales agent for any airline, hotel, car-rental company, tour operator, cruise line, or other service provider named in your itinerary. TRAVELING WITH JA’,LLC is not responsible for acts or omissions of the Suppliers or their failure to provide services or adhere to their own schedules.
TRAVELING WITH JA’, LLC assumes no responsibility for and shall not be liable for any refund, personal injury, property damage, or other loss, accident, delay, inconvenience, or irregularity which may be caused by: (1) any defaults, wrongful or negligent acts, or omissions of the Suppliers; (2) any defect in or failure of any vehicle, craft, equipment, or instrumentality owned, operated, or otherwise used or provided by the Suppliers; or (3) any wrongful or negligent acts or omissions on the part of any other party not under TRAVELING WITH JA’, LLC control.
You hereby release TRAVELING WITH JA’, LLLC from all claims arising out of any problem covered in this paragraph. You acknowledge and understand that cruise lines, tour operators, and other Suppliers have their own contracts covering cancellation penalties and other terms and conditions, and that you are bound by those contracts cancellation policy and terms & conditions.
TRAVELING WITH JA’, LLC has no special knowledge regarding the financial condition of the Suppliers, unsafe conditions, health hazards, weather hazards, or climate extremes at locations to which you may travel. We (TWJA,LLC) will do due diligence to inform guests of any travel alerts issued for the destinations of the event, tour, or traveler destination. For information concerning possible dangers at destinations, TRAVELING WITH JA’, LLC highly recommends contacting the Travel Warnings Section of the U.S. State Department at (202) 647-5225 or . For medical information, TRAVELING WITH JA’, LLC recommends contacting the Centers for Disease Control at (877) FYI-TRIP or
You assume full and complete responsibility for checking and verifying any and all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements of your destination(s), and all conditions regarding health, safety, security, political stability, and labor or civil unrest at such destination(s). You hereby release TRAVELING WITH JA’, LLC from all claims arising out of any problem covered in this paragraph, and to submit all other claims against us within 30 days after the return of your trip.
You agree that the courts in {COBB COUNTY, GA} will be the exclusive jurisdiction for all claims brought by you or TRAVELING WITH JA’, LLC, and you hereby submit to the personal jurisdiction of those courts. For your protection, it is mandatory that you purchase travel insurance. We also strongly recommend that you use a credit card for your purchase, so that you can exercise your rights under the Fair Credit Billing Act if you do not receive the services you purchased through travel insurance.
It is mandatory that all guests of TWJA’, LLC provide proof of current and adequate travel insurance within 14 days of making the initial deposit. Travel insurance must cover personal injury, medical treatment, repatriation, and evacuation expenses, including helicopter rescue and air ambulance internationally. It is recommended that travel insurance also address personal property and trip cancellation coverage.
Travel Insurance may be the only means of receiving reimbursement for flights and other non-refundable expenses should a Traveling With Ja’,LLC trip be cancelled for any reason, whether voluntarily by you or as a result of Traveling With Ja’s actions.
You are responsible for understanding the specifics of your travel insurance policy, ensuring that your policy covers all optional and included activities listed in the trip itinerary, and ensuring that there are no exclusion clauses (e.g., air delays due to mechanical issues) that would limit the coverage that you might reasonably need.
If you have current health insurance coverage, check your insurance policy to see if it provides the coverage described above while traveling outside your country. It is your responsibility to verify your insurance policy details with your insurance provider to ensure Traveling With Ja’s requirements are satisfied.
As the worldwide COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic remains ongoing at this time, I acknowledge that I am traveling during a pandemic and for this reason, and other reasons not reasonably foreseeable at this time, these travel plans may be interrupted or cancelled by the supplier/vendor that is providing them, a government entity, or other third party over which Traveling With Ja', LLC has no control. I further acknowledge that the supplier's own cancellation, rebooking and refund policies, subject to any applicable law that is now or may later be in effect, will govern my rights and remedies, including my right to receive a refund, in such event.
Moreover, I understand that I should elect to purchase travel insurance, the terms of the policy will dictate whether, and to what extent, coverage for any financial loss may exist under the circumstances. By signing and submitting this form, I hereby agree to hold Traveling With Ja', LLC harmless and release it from any and all liability for any damages, including but not limited monetary losses, I may incur as a result of such interruptions or cancellations of this group tour.
We shall not be liable for any claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses, delays or loss of enjoyment, of any nature or kind whatsoever, resulting from events beyond our or a supplier’s reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, pandemics, strikes, lockouts or other labor disputes or disruptions, wars, blockades, insurrections, riots, earthquakes, weather conditions, floods or acts or travel restrictions/bans or restraints imposed by government authorities.
Traveling With Ja’, LLC and/or its agents, act only as agents for the client in all matters pertaining to TRAVEL. TWJA’, LLC assume no responsibility or liability in connection with the service of any train, vessel, carriage, aircraft, motor or other conveyances which may be used, either wholly or in part, in the performance of its duty to the passenger; neither will it be responsible for any act, error, or omission, or any injury, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasioned by reason of any defect in any vehicle or through the neglect or default of any company or person engaged in conveying the passenger; or for any hotel proprietor, or hotel service, or for any other person engaged in carrying out the purpose for which tickets or coupons are issued.
In the event that it becomes necessary or advisable for the comfort or wellbeing of the passengers, or for any reason whatsoever, to alter the itinerary or arrangements, such alterations may be made without penalty to the operators. Itineraries are subject to change without value to the tour being compromised. Additional expenses, if any, shall be borne by the passengers, conversely refund will be made to the passengers if any saving is affected thereby. The Airlines concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission, or event, during the time passengers are not on board their planes or conveyance.
The passage contract in use by the Airlines concerned, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the Airlines and the purchaser of these tours and/or passenger. Itineraries are subject to change. The right is reserved to withdraw any or all tours, and or modify itineraries should conditions warrant, also to decline to accept or retain any passengers as members of the tours. Traveling With Ja’, LLC or agent can assume no responsibility for lost tickets, vouchers, and or coupons.
To the best of my knowledge, I (the guest) am in good physical condition and fully able to participate in this group tour, trip, vacation, and or event hosted by Traveling With Ja’, LLC. I have read and agree with the event details and I am fully aware of the risks and hazards connected with the participation on this trip, including physical injury or even death, and hereby elect to voluntarily participate in said events, knowing that the associated physical activity may be hazardous to me and my property.
I VOLUNTARILY ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY RISKS OR LOSS, PROPERTY DAMAGE, OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, that may be sustained by me, or loss or damage to property owned by me, as a result of participation in this event. I hereby RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE, Traveling With Ja’, LLC or project, their officers, servants, agents, and employees (hereinafter referred to as RELEASES) from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me, or to any property belonging to me, while participating in physical activity, or while on or upon the premises where the event is being conducted.
I agree to familiarize myself with the laws and customs of the destination I am visiting during the duration of this tour. I agree to uphold said laws and customs along with conducting myself in a manner that is not disrespectful or criminal in any nature. I assume full responsibility for my actions and behavior throughout the duration of this tour. I fully understand that failure to do so will possibly result in legal action from the authorities in the destination I am visiting during this tour and possible removal from the tour all together.
I understand that Traveling With Ja' will not compromise the integrity nor quality of the tour under any circumstances. I am fully aware that any Staff, Host, or Owner of Traveling With Ja', LLC has the right to remove me from the tour without a refund if I am presenting a risk, danger, or any other action/behavior that will prohibit the tour from operating with integrity, harmony, and safety for others. I hereby acknowledge and agree that at anytime should my actions compromise the aforementioned or if I am detained by authorities as a direct result of my unlawfulness, I will not hold Traveling With Ja' or any of their representatives liable.
It is my expressed intent that this is a release and hold harmless agreement which shall bind the members of my family and spouse, if I am alive, and my heirs, assigns and personal representative, if I am deceased, and shall be deemed as a RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, and CONVENTION TO SUE Traveling With Ja’, LLC and above named RELEASES. I hereby further agree that this Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement shall be constructed in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia.
I hereby grant TWJA,LLC (“Agency”), and their agents the absolute right and permission to use photographic portraits, pictures, digital images or videotapes of me, or in which I may be included in whole or part, or reproductions thereof in color or otherwise for any lawful purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to use in any Agency publication or on the Agency websites, marketing platforms, and or social media sites without payment or any other consideration.
I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect and/or approve the finished product or the copy that may be used in connection therewith, wherein my likeness appears, or the use to which it may be applied. I hereby release, discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Agency, TWJA and their agents from all claims, demands, and causes of action that I have or may have by reason of this authorization or use of my photographic portraits, pictures, digital images or videotapes, including any liability by virtue of any blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion, or use in composite form, whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in the taking of said images or videotapes, or in processing tending towards the completion of the finished product, including publication on the internet, in brochures, or any other advertisements or promotional materials.
It is intended that all optional activities will be offered as listed on the event details advertised for this trip unless weather or other conditions prevail at that time that make it hazardous or impossible for individuals to participate in the activity. Traveling With Ja’, LLC does not act as an agent or operate any optional activity. The decision to participate in an optional activity is solely between the trip participant and the operator of the optional activity. Traveling With Ja’. LLC assumes no risk, liability, or responsibility for incidents or accidents which may occur to an individual while participating in the activity. Some optional activities are subject to a minimum participation requirement and may not be available at all due to inclement weather or other Acts of God. Payment for all optional activities must be made in advance. Refunds are subject to the cancellation policy of the tour operator, supplier, or vendor. Traveling With Ja’, LLC reserves the right to withdraw or change any contracted entertainer/tour operator. Traveling With Ja’, LLC reserves the right to change itineraries in the best interest of the groups safety. The destination hotels, transportation companies, in addition to all other providers of services, reserve the right to remove a person engaged in illegal or disorderly conduct from the tour without refund. TWJA’, LLC will not issue a refund as a result of a guest's removal from a tour.
The minimum age requirement to participate in most of these tours is 21 unless it is a family/kid-friendly event. However all trips offering an “Open Bar” have been designed for adults 21 years of age and older. Each trip participant must be of the minimum drinking age allowed by the State/Country in which the destination is located to participate in the functions or tour inclusions which contain alcoholic beverages, AND EACH TRIP PARTICIPANT MUST BE PREPARED TO SHOW 2 TYPES OF LEGAL IDENTIFICATION (ONE OF WHICH MUST INCLUDE A PHOTOGRAPH) TO GAIN ADMITTANCE INTO ANY FUNCTIONS OR EVENTS WHICH SERVE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. Each liquor licensee is under legal obligation to comply with all applicable laws. To that end, each liquor licensee is required by law to not serve alcoholic beverages to individuals who do not meet the standard of service even though they may have paid for the alcoholic beverage inclusion as part of their tour.
Room assignments and decisions are made by the hotel/resort personnel not by Traveling With Ja’, LLC. Per person rates are stipulated by the number of people in the room, not the number of beds. For customized events, trips, group tours the rate per person is the same regardless of the number of occupants. Double occupancy (2 people per room) does not mean that the room has two double beds and is subject to availability. Hotel/resort personnel staff will try to accommodate each request according to availability. Triple and Quad rooms are not available.
I have read, understand, agree, and voluntarily sign these terms & conditions. On my own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements or inducements, apart from the foregoing written agreements have been made; and I acknowledge and represent that I HAVE READ THE FORGOING Terms & Conditions stated by Traveling With Ja’, LLC.
I have read, understand, agree, and voluntarily sign my signature to acknowledge the event details. On my own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements or inducements, apart from the foregoing written agreements have been made; and I acknowledge and represent that I HAVE READ THE FORGOING Event Details listed by Traveling With Ja’, LLC.
I have read, understand, agree, and voluntarily sign my signature to acknowledge the cancellation policy. On my own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements or inducements, apart from the foregoing written agreements have been made; and I acknowledge and represent that I HAVE READ THE FORGOING Cancellation Policy listed Traveling With Ja’, LLC.